Fake Montblanc Pen

No se deje engañar por una pluma Montblanc falsa


Las plumas Montblanc son conocidas mundialmente por su calidad y artesanía. El fabricante alemán de bolígrafos utiliza sólo los mejores materiales en cada bolígrafo que fabrica. Las plumas Montblanc pertenecen a una categoría diferente a la mayoría de las demás plumas del mercado. Consideradas artículos de lujo que tienen un precio acorde, las plumas Montblanc a menudo se copian. Estas copias se venden como originales cuando, en realidad, son imitaciones baratas.

plumas montblanc nieve pico precisión

*ver el pico nevado

Entonces, ¿cómo se nota la diferencia? En muchos casos, estas imitaciones se parecen tanto a los originales que sólo un experto puede detectar la falsificación. Si se está preparando para gastar miles de dólares en un bolígrafo que le parece cuestionable, Montblanc ofrece un servicio de autenticación. Sin embargo, costará tiempo y dinero. Alternativamente, hay varias características de la pluma que puede examinar para tener una buena idea de si es una Montblanc real o no.

Pluma Montblanc falsa


Montblanc utiliza un material único al que llaman “resina preciosa” en el cuerpo de sus plumas. Esta resina es de alta calidad y se siente diferente a un bolígrafo de plástico o metal. Las plumas Montblanc tampoco se pintan nunca. Un bolígrafo pintado es un regalo inmediato.

Si bien muchas plumas Montblanc parecen negras a simple vista, su cuerpo de resina es en realidad de un color vino rojo oscuro. Puedes ver este color si sostienes el eje del bolígrafo hacia una luz brillante. La luz que brilla alrededor de los bordes del bolígrafo hará que aparezca un tono rojo oscuro alrededor del bolígrafo. Podríamos decir lo obvio aquí, pero tenga cuidado de no iluminar sus ojos con la luz brillante mientras realiza esta prueba, ya que podría dañar su vista.

barril Montblanc con tono rojo

Marcas de grabado

Las plumas Montblanc fabricadas desde 1990 deberían tener dos grabados diferentes. El primero es un número de serie en la banda del clip. Quizás necesites tomar una lupa para distinguir los números, pero deberían estar ahí. No se preocupe si la fuente utilizada para grabar el número de serie parece variar de un bolígrafo a otro. Eso no es inusual.

número de serie mb

La segunda marca grabada en el bolígrafo es la palabra "Pix". Esta palabra debe estar en la parte inferior del clip de los bolígrafos que datan de 1997 y posteriores. A la mayoría de las plumas Montblanc falsas les faltará esta marca.

foto en el barrilfoto debajo del clip del bolígrafo


El embalaje de una pluma Montblanc es un complemento perfecto para la propia pluma. Normalmente, estos bolígrafos vienen en estuches fabricados para Montblanc. Debería esperar un exterior de cuero o piel sintética en una caja con bisagras. El interior debe estar moldeado para albergar el bolígrafo y puede estar forrado con terciopelo. Si su bolígrafo viene en una funda de fieltro endeble, puede estar bastante seguro de que no está en su embalaje original. Sí, se podría comprar el embalaje online y utilizarlo para vender falsificaciones. Sin embargo, eso supone mucho trabajo extra. La mayoría de los falsificadores de bolígrafos se saltan ese paso y utilizan un estilo de embalaje diferente.

embalaje montblanc starwalker


La punta de una pluma Montblanc puede ofrecer dos tipos diferentes de pistas en lo que respecta a la autenticidad. Primero, observe la calidad de la construcción y el grabado en la propia plumilla. Es posible que los defectos no sean inmediatamente obvios. Sin embargo, si comparas un plumín Montblanc con un plumín falso, las diferencias se hacen evidentes. Montblanc tiene mucho cuidado al superponer oro en sus plumines. El oro se aplica con precisión. Las puntas falsificadas, por otro lado, pueden parecer doradas, pero si se examinan más de cerca, es posible que se trate simplemente de pintura de color dorado aplicada descuidadamente en la punta de la punta. Recuerde que todo lo relacionado con una pluma Montblanc se hace con exactitud. Los defectos por descuido deberían ser una señal de alerta.

primer plano de plumilla Montblanc

La experiencia de escritura que ofrece una plumilla al usuario es otra pista. Intenta escribir con el bolígrafo. ¿La punta se siente demasiado rígida e inflexible en comparación con otros bolígrafos de lujo? Esta sensación de rigidez puede ser un síntoma de una punta hecha con un metal duro en lugar de oro blando. Los fabricantes de falsificaciones pueden ahorrar dinero en materiales cortando esquinas en la punta. Estas puntas más baratas suelen tener un flujo de tinta inconsistente, lo que también puede notarse.


Si bien a todos nos gusta pensar que estamos consiguiendo una buena oferta, no hay muchas plumas Montblanc a la venta que estén muy por debajo de su valor. Si el precio parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea. La mayoría de las personas que venden bolígrafos de segunda mano saben cuánto valen y les pondrán el precio correspondiente. Si encuentra lo que parece una gran oferta en línea, puede probar esta teoría preguntándole al vendedor si tiene más bolígrafos a la venta. Si intentan venderle grandes volúmenes de plumas por mucho menos de lo que valen, puede estar bastante seguro de que las plumas no son Montblanc auténticas.

La mejor manera de asegurarse de adquirir un bolígrafo auténtico es comprarlo en una tienda Montblanc de buena reputación. Estas tiendas y boutiques, especializadas en utensilios de escritura de alta gama, pueden mostrarle opciones nuevas y usadas que pueden adaptarse a sus necesidades y su presupuesto. Contáctenos en Pen Boutique para obtener más información sobre nuestra selección Montblanc. También podemos ayudarte con repuestos y recargas de bolígrafos de tinta . Lo mejor de todo es que, al evitar los rincones turbios de Internet, puede estar seguro de que no está desperdiciando dinero en una mala réplica de un bolígrafo elegante.



Peter Child

Peter Child

Thank you, it was comforting to see others with the same question regarding early Montblanc pens.

Thank you, it was comforting to see others with the same question regarding early Montblanc pens.



It is probably still authentic. “Germany” was on a lot of earlier pens, and there were no serial numbers before 1991 or so. I would look at the nib and the resin based on the information above. Also, if it writes well and it has served faithfully for 30 years, it sounds like you have a great pen ether way. The fact that you have had it that long and (I am assuming here) have not had problems speaks volumes to its being authentic.

It is probably still authentic. “Germany” was on a lot of earlier pens, and there were no serial numbers before 1991 or so. I would look at the nib and the resin based on the information above. Also, if it writes well and it has served faithfully for 30 years, it sounds like you have a great pen ether way. The fact that you have had it that long and (I am assuming here) have not had problems speaks volumes to its being authentic.

Brian Sung

Brian Sung

Thank you for the knowledge. Extremely useful. Dont own fountain pen, but owned a meisterstuck maroon and skywalker…

Thank you for the knowledge. Extremely useful. Dont own fountain pen, but owned a meisterstuck maroon and skywalker…

Jakob Gerber

Jakob Gerber

I bought my “Montblanc Meisterstuck 149 “ on band. On clip it only has the word “ Germany “ Fountain pen I bought at Stanford bookstore in 1970. They said it had been in the showcase for at least two years as it was so expensive . I figure it’s a 1968 Montblanc.
. The nib reads 4810, almost all yellow gold except very small area with I assume white gold. It is 14 c NOT 18 c . There is so much misinformation out there it’s mind boggling . One read that only the 146 has a 14 c nib, and the 149 has the 18 c nib. I bought this new – old stock – at Stanford. I was always losing my fountain pens that had cost me possibly $20. at the time. I paid $120. for this the Montblanc fountain pen at the time – that was a fortune – with the idea I would never lose it. Here we are in March 2023 . This pen has been around the world with me since I started traveling . I’m an old man now ,and must start giving things to my thirty three year old daughter. It’s breaking my heart giving this to her. She is in tech PR – “ Six Eastern – . I’m going to have a serious talk with her before gifting this to her. I must have written millions of words with this pen. I have thirty Moleskin journals etc. filled with green ink from this pen. It only has the word “ Germany” engraved on the clips band . No serial numbers in those days that I know of. If someone knows different please leave a reply.

I bought my “Montblanc Meisterstuck 149 “ on band. On clip it only has the word “ Germany “ Fountain pen I bought at Stanford bookstore in 1970. They said it had been in the showcase for at least two years as it was so expensive . I figure it’s a 1968 Montblanc.
. The nib reads 4810, almost all yellow gold except very small area with I assume white gold. It is 14 c NOT 18 c . There is so much misinformation out there it’s mind boggling . One read that only the 146 has a 14 c nib, and the 149 has the 18 c nib. I bought this new – old stock – at Stanford. I was always losing my fountain pens that had cost me possibly $20. at the time. I paid $120. for this the Montblanc fountain pen at the time – that was a fortune – with the idea I would never lose it. Here we are in March 2023 . This pen has been around the world with me since I started traveling . I’m an old man now ,and must start giving things to my thirty three year old daughter. It’s breaking my heart giving this to her. She is in tech PR – “ Six Eastern – . I’m going to have a serious talk with her before gifting this to her. I must have written millions of words with this pen. I have thirty Moleskin journals etc. filled with green ink from this pen. It only has the word “ Germany” engraved on the clips band . No serial numbers in those days that I know of. If someone knows different please leave a reply.

Dick Smith

Dick Smith

Very good information on how to authenticate my Mont Blanc pen. I have the clip markings and also the serial number on pen top. But I’m having difficulty with identifying my pen model. It is roller ball pen and when I bought it I thought it was a Meisterstuck, can you help I.D. it for me?

Very good information on how to authenticate my Mont Blanc pen. I have the clip markings and also the serial number on pen top. But I’m having difficulty with identifying my pen model. It is roller ball pen and when I bought it I thought it was a Meisterstuck, can you help I.D. it for me?



This has been in the family for over 30 years…nib looks wrong….cap ring has ..germany….that’s about all I can find…can you help to determine if it’s fake or real?

This has been in the family for over 30 years…nib looks wrong….cap ring has ..germany….that’s about all I can find…can you help to determine if it’s fake or real?

Ann Linsky

Ann Linsky

Is my BLUE (with a pattern) a fake because it doesn’t have the PIX under the clip? It says made in Germany metal. Can you give me some idea when it first came out? I don’t have $75. to get it authenticated.

Is my BLUE (with a pattern) a fake because it doesn’t have the PIX under the clip? It says made in Germany metal. Can you give me some idea when it first came out? I don’t have $75. to get it authenticated.

Kristal Champion-Dacuycuy

Kristal Champion-Dacuycuy

Thank you so much for this article! Although I will be buying my hard to find Mont Blanc pens from you, this was so very informative!

Thank you so much for this article! Although I will be buying my hard to find Mont Blanc pens from you, this was so very informative!

B. Ivan Broomer

B. Ivan Broomer

Thank you for the update Tips on identifying authenticity of MontBlanc Pens

Thank you for the update Tips on identifying authenticity of MontBlanc Pens



Thank you for such an interesting and useful article! I’m not looking to buy a Montblanc any time soon, but I am still glad to have this information in case I do run across something that seems like an excellent deal. I’d be really interested to see some photos of the forgeries by the pictures of the real Montblanc for comparison.

Thank you for such an interesting and useful article! I’m not looking to buy a Montblanc any time soon, but I am still glad to have this information in case I do run across something that seems like an excellent deal. I’d be really interested to see some photos of the forgeries by the pictures of the real Montblanc for comparison.



Le Grand Platinum I have does not have the Pix on the inside of clip or on the cap band. Everything else looks fine. It was purchased around 2000-2001. Did I get hosed?

Le Grand Platinum I have does not have the Pix on the inside of clip or on the cap band. Everything else looks fine. It was purchased around 2000-2001. Did I get hosed?

Ann Linsky

Ann Linsky

Thank you so much for this information. I never realized any of this and did not know how to find this. Greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much for this information. I never realized any of this and did not know how to find this. Greatly appreciated!

Aissatou E Sunjata

Aissatou E Sunjata

If the price seems too good to be true, probably it is not an authentic Montblanc.

If the price seems too good to be true, probably it is not an authentic Montblanc.



My MB 147 skips out on downward strokes sometimes.. is there something I can do to fix this or does it need to be sent out? I’d rather not ship it on something that may have a simple cure.. I’ve cleaned it multiple times and put the nib end in a sonic cleaner.. It seems okay if I use some pressure, but I hate writing with pressure, especially on what was bought as a quality instrument. My next step was going to be remove the nib and clean it again.

My MB 147 skips out on downward strokes sometimes.. is there something I can do to fix this or does it need to be sent out? I’d rather not ship it on something that may have a simple cure.. I’ve cleaned it multiple times and put the nib end in a sonic cleaner.. It seems okay if I use some pressure, but I hate writing with pressure, especially on what was bought as a quality instrument. My next step was going to be remove the nib and clean it again.

John Stayn

John Stayn

Thank you for this revealing, helpful article. Perhaps you will find time to write similar stories about other brands.

Thank you for this revealing, helpful article. Perhaps you will find time to write similar stories about other brands.

Charles Sharp

Charles Sharp

This is very good information, Thank you. There are many fake being sold on Social Media, I have reported sone on Facebook. I am luck to have 3 Mont Blancs and are my prized possession.

This is very good information, Thank you. There are many fake being sold on Social Media, I have reported sone on Facebook. I am luck to have 3 Mont Blancs and are my prized possession.

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