Cuando estás acostumbrado a tener tu pluma estilográfica favorita a tu alcance todo el tiempo, es posible que no quieras dejarla atrás cuando vayas de viaje de negocios o incluso de vacaciones. Desafortunadamente, todos hemos visto lo que los cambios en la presión de la cabina pueden afectar a los artículos de tocador de tamaño de viaje. Tiene razón al preocuparse de que la tinta de su bolígrafo pueda derramarse sobre su equipaje durante el transporte. Continúe leyendo para obtener más información sobre viajar con plumas estilográficas de la mano de nuestros entusiastas de las plumas.
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Rellénelo antes de su vuelo
Puedes llevar una pluma estilográfica en un vuelo dependiendo de la cantidad de tinta que lleve. Una pluma estilográfica llena no goteará porque [no hay] aire que se expanda y ensucie la tinta. Por eso, lo más probable es que llevar una pluma estilográfica vieja y parcialmente cargada arruine tu equipaje.
Cómo llevas tu bolígrafo es importante
Cuando se viaja con una pluma estilográfica, el principal problema es que la tinta se derrama debido a las variaciones de presión en la cabina. La tinta que se derrama de una pluma estilográfica se debe a la acción capilar y a la gravedad.
Llevar una pluma estilográfica dentro del equipaje está bien. Puedes llevar una pluma estilográfica siempre que la punta apunte hacia arriba. La gravedad y cualquier otra presión no expulsarán la tinta del bolígrafo si la punta se mantiene apuntando hacia arriba. Si no puedes hacerlo, te aconsejo que vacíes tu bolígrafo o simplemente lo dejes.
Tres formas seguras de viajar con una pluma estilográfica
Si tiene intención de volar con una pluma estilográfica, tiene tres opciones sencillas para mantener la pluma y otras pertenencias seguras durante el vuelo:
- Carga tu bolígrafo al máximo con tinta, sin dejar espacio para el aire.
- Retire toda la tinta de su bolígrafo.
- Guarde su bolígrafo entintado en un recipiente bien cerrado.
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Jonas L
I have an old glass jar to carry all pens while travelling. With the lid screwed on, no problems whatsoever…
I have an old glass jar to carry all pens while travelling. With the lid screwed on, no problems whatsoever…
When I travel, I leave my ink and converters at home and strictly use disposable cartridges. They are super cheap and I have no guilt tossing one that is half-full prior to flying.
When I travel, I leave my ink and converters at home and strictly use disposable cartridges. They are super cheap and I have no guilt tossing one that is half-full prior to flying.
Richard Tourigian
Ian Schon of Schon Design, creator of the Pocket 6, claims to have created a fountain pen that is sealed so well, that leaks on an airplane will not happen. Would love to hear from someone whose tested this out. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a pen that can deal with cabin pressure variations without the need to do anything special? His pens are a little beyond what I’d want to spend, but I’d do it if I could be confident a Pocket 6 could be my airplane pen that doesn’t leak? Ian, maybe you could weigh in on this topic. I know your background is in mechanical engineering, so your input on this topic would be great!
Ian Schon of Schon Design, creator of the Pocket 6, claims to have created a fountain pen that is sealed so well, that leaks on an airplane will not happen. Would love to hear from someone whose tested this out. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a pen that can deal with cabin pressure variations without the need to do anything special? His pens are a little beyond what I’d want to spend, but I’d do it if I could be confident a Pocket 6 could be my airplane pen that doesn’t leak? Ian, maybe you could weigh in on this topic. I know your background is in mechanical engineering, so your input on this topic would be great!
Paul Bishop
I agree with Robert Ellis. Have flown dozens of times with fountain pen wrapped in a paper towel inside a ziplock bag (quart size). Never had a problem.
I agree with Robert Ellis. Have flown dozens of times with fountain pen wrapped in a paper towel inside a ziplock bag (quart size). Never had a problem.
Ruth Morrisson
I’ve done all three — usually #1 (filling the pen completely); I also bring refills — sample vials are GREAT for that BTW because they’re convenient and if you put a few in a ziplock bag they’re at hand if you need or want to write or draw something while mid-flight.). I had less trouble with sample vials than I did with my facial cleanser and toner - which got confiscated because they were more than 4 oz. - in carry on-luggage. But nobody ever batted an eye over a half dozen ink samples in my purse….
I’ve done all three — usually #1 (filling the pen completely); I also bring refills — sample vials are GREAT for that BTW because they’re convenient and if you put a few in a ziplock bag they’re at hand if you need or want to write or draw something while mid-flight.). I had less trouble with sample vials than I did with my facial cleanser and toner - which got confiscated because they were more than 4 oz. - in carry on-luggage. But nobody ever batted an eye over a half dozen ink samples in my purse….
G. E. McLaughlin
Waterman’s Safety Pen solved the problem years ago.
I would buy a replica if they made one.
Waterman’s Safety Pen solved the problem years ago.
I would buy a replica if they made one.
Bill Hicks
Another option is to use a pen with a cartridge and simply remove the cartridge before traveling.
Another option is to use a pen with a cartridge and simply remove the cartridge before traveling.
Robert W Ellis
I wrap the upper portion of the pens in paper towels, place them in a plastic bag in a zipper pen case and make sure they are nibs up. I take them in carry-on. It may be overkill, but it works. If you put them in carry-on there is no way to control nib orientation.
I wrap the upper portion of the pens in paper towels, place them in a plastic bag in a zipper pen case and make sure they are nibs up. I take them in carry-on. It may be overkill, but it works. If you put them in carry-on there is no way to control nib orientation.