Writer Quotes

Writer Quotes

“In composing, as a general rule, run your pen through every other word you have written; you have no idea what vigor it will give your style.” - Sydney Smith“I love writing. I love the swirl and s...
Fun with Inkblots

Fun with Inkblots

Inkblots have been around as long as there has been ink. The Rorschach test also known as the Rorschach inkblot test (or simply the inkblot test) is a psychological test in which subjects’ percepti...


For two centuries now Moleskine® (mol-a-skeen'-a) has been the legendary notebook of artists, writers, intellectuals and travelers. From gifted artists Henri Matisse (1869–1954) and Vincent van Gog...
Pen Trivia : Match the song titles with the artist...

Pen Trivia : Match the song titles with the artist...

Writing letters has long been a popular theme in popular culture songs. Revealing your heart always seems a bit easier when penning your feelings. Let’s see how closely you have been listening a...
Ink Trivia : How many years ago was the first successful recipe for writing ink created?

Ink Trivia : How many years ago was the first successful recipe for writing ink created?

Ink Trivia For years people had been carving into clay, stone, or wood to write a record of their life and experiences. But when ink and paper came, it revolutionized writing for all time. They ar...