Graf Von Faber-Castell Electric Pink Ink Cartridges /Bx 6-Pen Boutique Ltd

Graf Von Faber-Castell Electric Pink Ink Cartridges /Bx 6

SKU: FC_141114
Sale price$5.00


Burned orange Cognac brown Carbon black Cobalt blue Midnight blue Moss green Electric pink Heritage violet Gulf blue India red ink Viper green Yozakura Olive green Turquoise

Graf Von Faber-Castell presents Ink Colors inspired by Nature!

Presenting new Graf Von Faber-Castell Electric Pink Ink Cartridges is perfectly for smooth writing. The ink is available in attractive small boxes which contains 6 ink cartridges full with high quality Graf von Faber-Castell ink.

Most colors are indelible, smudge resistant, reproducible, light-fast and waterproof.


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