J. Herbin 30ml Fountain Pen Vert Pre Bottled Ink-Pen Boutique Ltd
J. Herbin 30ml Fountain Pen Vert Pre Bottled Ink-Pen Boutique Ltd

J. Herbin 30ml Fountain Pen Vert Pre Bottled Ink

SKU: JH_H130/31
Sale price$13.95



COLOR: Olive

Ambre de birmanie Bleu azur noire Bleu myosotis Bleu nuit Bleu pervenche Bouton dor Cacao du bresil Cafe des iles Diabolo menthe Eclat de saphir Gris nuage Lie de the Lierre sauvage Orange indien Perle noire Poussiere de lune Rose cyclamen Rose tendresse Rouge bourgogne Rouge caroubier Rouge opera Terre de feu Vert olive Vert pre Vert reseda Violette pensee Larme de cassis Rouge bourgogne Rouille dancre Vert empire Bleu calanque Bleu des profondeurs Corail des tropiques Rouge grenat Vert de gris

The J. Herbin 30ml Fountain Pen Bottled Ink . Each bottle of 30 ml has an integrated pen rest. They are known as “D bottle pen inks. The “D” refers to the old French unit of measure “la Demi Courtine”.J. Herbin was established in 1670 and is the oldest name in formal ink production in the world. It is the ink namesake used by renowned figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Victor Hugo of Les Miserables. M. Herbin created this line, “The Jewel of Inks”, in his shop on the Rue des Fosses Saint-Germain in Paris in 1700.


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