Montblanc Patron of Art Notebook - Writers Edition - #146 Homage to Victor Hugo - Lined-Pen Boutique Ltd
Montblanc Patron of Art Notebook - Writers Edition - #146 Homage to Victor Hugo - Lined-Pen Boutique Ltd
Montblanc Patron of Art Notebook - Writers Edition - #146 Homage to Victor Hugo - Lined-Pen Boutique Ltd

Montblanc Patron of Art Notebook - Writers Edition - #146 Homage to Victor Hugo - Lined

SKU: MB_125892
Sale price$90.00
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Let's pay tribute to an icon of French literature and culture writing with Montblanc Notebook 

Black lined notebook by Montblanc is made in Italy to pay homage to Victor Hugo. The Montblanc Notebook contains 96 sheets / 192 pages. The #146 tagged notebook is added to Writers Edition featuring neo-gothic furniture in Hugo’s Hauteville House.


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